How to Securely Use Secrets in Hugo with GitHub Actions

How to Securely Use Secrets in Hugo with GitHub Actions

In this post, I’ll explain how to securely use sensitive information in Hugo site hosted on GitHub Pages without exposing it in a public repository.

The Problem

Keeping Sensitive Information Secret When developing a Hugo site, you might need to include sensitive information like API keys or database credentials. Hardcoding these values in hugo.toml can expose them if your repository is public.

The Goal

✅ Use GitHub Secrets to store sensitive information securely.
✅ Inject the information dynamically at build time in GitHub Actions.
✅ Ensure Hugo picks it up properly during deployment.

The Solution

Injecting sensitive information into hugo.toml at Build Time! 🚀

Step 1: Remove Sensitive Information from hugo.toml

To allow our GitHub Actions workflow to inject the sensitive information, remove any related sections from hugo.toml. For example, if you have something like:

secretKey = 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY'

🚨 Remove this section completely! 🚨

Step 2: Store the Secret in GitHub

Add your sensitive information as a GitHub Secret:

  • Go to GitHub Repository → Settings → Secrets and variables → Actions
  • Click “New repository secret
  • Add a new secret:
    • Value: your_real_secret_value

Step 3: Modify GitHub Actions Workflow

Some Hugo templates, ie. Hugoplate, automatically generate a GitHub Actions workflow (.github/workflows/main.yml) for building and publishing the website.

Add this step before building the Hugo site:

- name: Inject Secret Key
  run: |
   echo "[services]" >> hugo.toml
   echo "[services.exampleService]" >> hugo.toml
   echo "secretKey = '${EXAMPLE_SECRET_KEY}'" >> hugo.toml

How This Works:

✅ Reads the secret from GitHub (EXAMPLE_SECRET_KEY).
✅ Dynamically appends the secret key to hugo.toml.
✅ Hugo now recognizes the correct value at build time!

The Result: Success! 🎉

I deployed my site, and Hugo picked up the secret value as expected!
🔥 No hardcoded secrets.
🔥 The repository stays clean and secure.

Why This Approach is Awesome

Secure: Secrets are stored in GitHub Secrets, not in the repo.
Simple: Just a few lines of shell script to inject the value.
Flexible: Works for any Hugo project using hugo.toml.

Final Thoughts

If you’re using Hugo + GitHub Pages and need to handle sensitive information without exposing it, this approach works effectively. Let me know if you found this useful or have any questions! 🚀